From the Island Part 18

The latest episode of Paul’s From the Island blog. And where perhaps uniquely, a Highland sunset, a Sea Eagle, kangeroo kebabs and Tom Cruise all collide. If enjoyed, please do feel very free to...

From the Island Part 17

Paul’s latest From the Island and including the combined joys of solitary walks at 2am, lamb-fluffy clouds and sharing a bedroom with one Robbie Williams. And if you enjoy, please do feel very free to share...

From the Island Part 16

Paul’s newest musings From the Island [and if you enjoy please do feel very free to share]. Though with the warning caveat that this latest mix-up of topics includes blood-sucking insects, Lady Gaga and an enormous sex...

33 1/3 RPM [29/06/2018]

Paul’s 33 1/3 RPM show tonight on Skye’s very own Cuillin FM will be the last one for a little while and as there’s a couple of book projects to be knuckling down to. Going out for now with a bang, the playlist for this evening’s almost...

33 1/3 RPM (22/06/2018)

There’s an hour of almost entirely waffle-free, uninterrupted music on Paul’s 33 1/3 RPM show tonight on Skye’s Cuillin FM. The full playlist runs like this:   1 The Go Betweens – Here Comes a City [from Ocean’s Apart, 2005]   2 The...